
Instagram, part 2

End of detour. Now that the authentication mechanism is up and running, I can start migrating Instagram images. Conveniently, the export contains a folder with photos partitioned in folders for each month, and a json file containing references to all the photos, grouped by post and tagged with a timestamp. Less conveniently, bandwidth costs are scary. My setup on Vultr comes with 1 TB of bandwidth. That might sound like a lot to some, but 250MB of images I'm planning to host can burn through that very quickly. Moving hosting providers now seems like too much of yak shaving, so I won't be doing that now, but it's definitely something I'm going to need to look into. Hetzner for example has a very cheap plan offering 40x more bandwidth. Tempting. I'm starting to wonder if the reason why Instagram is presenting images in a feed and aggressively trying to entwine them with ads is a fix for bandwidth costs. I'm also realizing how wonderful it would be if people could advise me in comments here, but the comment system is also something I'll need to leave for later.

Let's assume for now that my Instagram photos are not going to be downloaded 4000 times every month, and just jump to the creative part. I was thinking about displaying images similarly to how it's done in iOS Photos. All photos would be in one giant grid zoomed out. Selecting an image would present it on the screen in full - either in a side panel, or overlaid above everything else.

Ok, scratch that. Why would anyone want to navigate a wall of photos lacking description? Maybe for the kind of fix Instagram gives, but really, who cares. I'm going to write stories around photos I posted to Instagram, starting from the most recent events. If there are photos that seem more private, I'll just move those to the restricted area and link from the main content.

Why can't I open sftp://vydd@vydd.space through Finder? I just downloaded Cyberduck and Chrome decided to open the archive in Calibre. Sometimes using computers is a nightmare.